Claims View

Best support in the event of damage

In the world of cyber security, a rapid response to incidents is essential. cysmo® offers crucial support for this: a technical snapshot provides information about the situation immediately after a damage report.

cysmo® helps to keep an eye on relevant technical details and forwards the analysis results directly to forensics teams. In addition, cysmo® supports customers with obligation checks to help them comply with their safety obligations.

This makes cysmo® an indispensable tool in cyber incident management. You can access these features:

Technical Snapshot at Damage Report: 

  • Immediately after a damage report, cysmo® creates a technical snapshot that provides a detailed overview of the current situation. This enables a quick and informed response to the incident. 

Support in the Damage Process: 

  • cysmo® monitors all relevant technical details and ensures that no important information is overlooked, allowing for efficient damage handling. 

Direct Forwarding of Results to Forensic Teams: 

  • The results of the initial analysis can be forwarded directly and without delay to forensic teams to ensure an immediate investigation and response. 

Compliance Checks as an Additional Service: 

  • Additionally, cysmo® offers compliance checks to support customers in meeting their security obligations and to ensure that all necessary steps for risk minimization are followed.

Rely on cysmo® for seamless and effective damage processing. Contact us now to find out how we can support you in the event of a cyberattack on one of your companies!


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  • Technical snapshots

  • Support in the claims process

  • Forwarding to forensics teams

  • Obligation checks

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