Sales View

Selling cyber policies more effectively

cysmo® noticeably helps in sales: Small companies in particular, for whom cyber risk is still too abstract and intangible, are a real challenge for sales: How can you make them understand the threats and their needs?

With cysmo®'s Sales View, you are well equipped to make even the most complex cyber risks understandable to your customers and address them as needed. cysmo® opens the door to the most innovative solution for real-world cyber risks, enabling you to conduct sales conversations with unrivaled clarity and persuasiveness.

The cysmo® Sales-View helps you to solve the following challenges at the touch of a button:

The Sales Report is,  

  • even easier to understand.
  • can be used as a sales promotion and prevention service.
  • a service that can be offered to the customer as part of the insurance contract.

The scores are,  

  • illustrated with vivid language, examples of claims and potential risks.

Regular automated monitoring,

  • can provide you and your customers with continuous security and adaptability to the latest cyber threats through notifications of changing risk situations.

Discover how cysmo® can empower your sales team to deliver cyber insurance more effectively than ever, while providing preventative value. 

Get in touch today to revolutionize your sales efficiency with cysmo®!

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  • Clear reports

  • Pictorial scores

  • Comprehensive export options

  • Regular monitoring

Optimize your sales with cysmo®

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Experience the power of cysmo® with a personal demo. Choose a date that suits you to get an exclusive introduction to our cysmo® platform. Our team will show you how you can optimize your risk analysis and decision-making processes.


Financial companies have the exclusive opportunity to gain insight into the next generation of risk analysis through our free report to gain insight into the next generation of risk analysis.

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