cysmo® Outside-In Forum 2024 | Frankfurt

cysmo® Outside-In Forum 2024 | Frankfurt
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Review of our exclusive cysmo® customer event

Review of the cysmo® Outside-In Forum 2024: A Milestone for Cybersecurity

The annual cysmo® Outside-In Forum once again proved to be a groundbreaking event for professionals in the field of cybersecurity and cyber risk assessment within the insurance industry. As an exclusive customer event by cysmo®, this year's forum brought together leading experts and decision-makers in Frankfurt to discuss the latest trends and challenges in the industry.

A Day of Inspiration and Interactive Discussions The program of the cysmo® Outside-In Forum was marked by a series of high-caliber presentations, offering deep insights into the latest developments in cyber threats and risk management strategies. The interactive workshops were particularly noteworthy, giving participants the opportunity to delve into specific topics in small groups and benefit directly from the experiences and knowledge of industry leaders.

Networking at the Highest Level A central part of the forum was the networking, which provided guests with ample opportunities to exchange ideas and make new contacts. The atmosphere was characterized by open and constructive dialogue, laying the groundwork for future collaborations and innovative solutions.

Conclusion: An Indispensable Event for Insurance Professionals The cysmo® Outside-In Forum has established itself as an essential date in the calendar for cybersecurity professionals. It offers a unique platform to explore current and future risks, learn from leading experts, and set strategic directions for the coming year.

We are already looking forward to the next cysmo® Outside-In Forum in 2025, which promises to build on this year's successes and enrich participants with new, innovative content.

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