Euroforum | Cyber Insurance 2024

Euroforum | Cyber Insurance 2024
Trade fair

Is Cyber Still Insurable?

As every year, we will be present live as a sponsor. Jonas Schwade, our CEO, will participate in the Life Hacks discussions. Will you join us?

Focus 2024:

Cyber remains the major growth hope for insurers. However, due to numerous claims, many insurers are acting cautiously and continue to offer only limited capacities. The formation of new captives has brought movement to the market, as has the entry of new providers. The market potential for cyber coverage in the SME sector is still only partially tapped.

The earnings situation has improved, not least due to stricter IT security requirements for customers, but the constantly changing threat landscape remains a challenge. With the increasing use of AI by cybercriminals, new risk dimensions are expected; politically motivated cyberattacks are likely to increase further due to geopolitical tensions. Ransomware attacks continue to top the list of claims. Handling potential accumulation risks keeps underwriters on their toes. Coverage for systemic risks, such as infrastructure and energy, will continue to be possible, if at all, only with state-backed solutions.

What is the future of cyber insurance? Practical claims cases, real-life experiences, and resulting accurate risk assessments and appropriate contract and premium designs are of utmost relevance for all parties. At this Euroforum conference, you will get answers, no matter which side of the industry you are on.

The Topics:

  • Current market developments – an overview
  • New challenges – prevention, risk assessment, standards, and certification
  • New risk trends in cyber
  • Accumulation risks – identification, analysis, and modeling
  • Efficient claims management in case of loss – Dos and Don’ts
  • AI, risk transfer, and other current challenges in the cyber insurance market
  • Current developments and rulings in the area of liability for cyber risks



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